Monday, March 30, 2009

Visiting other Classmates' Blogs

Well, I just got done visiting other classmates' blogs on webct. I was very impress by the creativity that you guys did with your blogs. I enjoyed looking at them and it gave me some ideas on how to brush up on my blog to make it more creative.
Honestly, I was looking more at the creativity of the blogs, I didn't get to read any of the blogs. I did glance at some of them, but didn't read it through.
I know these blogs are journals, opinions, discussions and etc., some were on the readings and some were on different discussions that I don't remember reading in the assignments.
Some were interesting by just glancing at them and reading the first couple of sentences on the paragraph.
But, I really didn't read through them, other then that, I enjoyed the creativity in the blogs.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

S&F: Blogging Feminism

I just read the S&F Online and find it useful. I am not familiar with using the blog, I did mention that this is my first time using a blog. When signing up for the class and reading the syllabus, I was thinking about what is a blog? The reading gave a understanding and some definition on the blog. It's interesting on how people can leave opinions, conversation, and interests on this blog. I never heard about it until now or taking this course. I like it in some ways because it's like a journal to me and everyone in the course can read it. The good thing about this blog is that in a classroom, some people are caution on talking in class or speaking up in class over a question. They don't want to be looked at in class when talking or ask a question in class, this blog you can speak your mind or express your opinion without the whole class looking at you.
With the reading, it goes into discussion about feminists. How feminists find the blog useful in the blogoshpere. How it communicates through out the internet, when feminists do their discussions. After that the reading goes into the discussion about where are the women in the blog? I do think that there is more women on the blog than men. I think that the research on this blog is wrong, which I read on the other readings that where required. I did the reading on Women and Children Last: The Discursive Construction of Weblogs by Herring C. Susan, Koupers Inna, Scheidt Lois Ann, Wright L. Elijah. They did a research on gender using the blog and the research was done in 2003. They did from teenages to adults and the gender were male and female. The conclusions were that male were more using the blog than female. Some of it was a little bias when I was doing the reading. I would think that more women have been using the blog more than men even before this research. Some of the readings were the same as the other readings of last week or the week before. The readings were that men are more political on blogs than women. Asking the same question where are the women? In the Discursive Construction of Weblogs, again more research was done that men are more using the blog on political talks than women.
I don't think it should matter what gender you are when using the blog, not everyone will put down their gender. The blog is free for everyone to use.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Women in Blogosphere

I just got done reading the first reading assignment for WS 450. I read the first site of readings which were "Blogging Busts Out for Women" and "Women in the Blogosphere".

Very interesting reading, it's funny how women are still discrimnated on cyberspace (blogosphere) just by writing their opinion on a topic that they heard or read. Especially one reading in the "Women in the Blogosphere", how a women was discussing issue on politics and every men that responded to her thought that she was a man.

I thought that was an interesting part in the reading, that women are not into politics like men, and I thought that was a discrimnation on women.

The beginning of the reading in "Women in the Blogosphere" it mention what is a blog? I even thought the same thing to myself too, what is a blog? The blog definition does not say anything about being discrimnated against race, gender and age. It's a online journal of opinions, thoughts, and interests. I don't think a women being a feminist should have to have their own blogger discuss on daily important issues.
Women should be in every blog, they have their right to express their opinion in every daily issues. Not every countries can a women express her opinion in communication. She has to express it in hiding or face a death penalty.
If Blogosphere can express every living thing on earth from men to women, children to teenagers, animals to bacteria, and to outer space aliens, then nobody should be discrimnated.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Blogs Out There

For WS 450, I visited 3 blogs on WebCT, they were Feministe, Feminism/Pop Culture, and Fetch Me My Axe. I tried using the blog roll on some of these blogs, but I was going into advertisements like how to creat a blog or know how to write a term paper.
One of blogs that I visited was on Fetch Me My Axe, it had videos from YouTube and there was a video on a 15-year old girl getting beated up by the police. The police asked her to remove her shoe and she kicked off her shoe, which was thrown at the police. The officer was so upset that he grabbed the girl throw her against the wall and to the floor. She mention that her and the officer were arguing earlier.
It's an interesting video on who said who first.
One blog that I looked at was Feministe and it also had a video, but it was on President Obama talking and signing the Exective Order creating White House Council on Women and Girls. I enjoyed that, it was interesting to listen and watch this video about how the President wants to help women in low pay jobs, violence against women, and recoginzing women for their roles.
The topics were interesting, there is so much to read on these blogs about women. I am more interested in women being activits towards what they believe in.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Hello to WS 450

Hello to WS 450 in Cyberfeminisms. This is my first blog over the internet, I never done this before. I am trying to be creative here and hope I'll change my blog to my personality.