I enjoyed the blogging experience, it was something new to me. I didn't know or hear anything like the blog. I think the nice thing about this blog is writing your own opinion and expressing your feelings over topics. I never done anything like this before in any of my classes. I tried to spruce up my blog and be creative, but this all I could do.
What is your attitude toward blogs and blogging after completing this course?
I think blogging is a good way of communicating with people through comments and reading their thoughts about a topic. I enjoyed reading some of the students blog in class.
What is the future of gender and blogging?
I would say that gender in the future and blogging would always be an issue. We would think that discrimation towards women would end because of the 21st century and moving into the future, but no. I think women would always be 2nd class, I live on the Navajo reservation and I struggle with my gender in my community. Even though in books it says that the Navajo society is a materilineal clanship system. I feel that being a Navajo woman I am still fighting to have my voice heard. I guess my experience is that Navajo men are intimated by a young, educated, woman. In 2006, the Navajo Nation was electing the next presidential candidate. For the first time in history, a woman ran for the Navajo presidential. Her name was Linda Lovejoy. She had alot of critizism for being a woman from the Navajo people, mostly towards her gender. I voted for Linda Lovejoy, but she lost the election. But I admire her for standing there and taking all the critizism that a "Woman can not be a Leader."
How does Web 2.0 contribute to making feminist futures?
I would say that Web 2.0 contributes a window for feminist. It's great that this blog is global and everyone can read your expression and leave a comment.