Saturday, April 25, 2009

Queer Occurrences in the Blogosphere

I just got done reading this week's reading on The Gendercator, or How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Blogosphere. I noticed on the syballus it mentions making an arrangement to watch the film. I am curious about watching the film when I was doing the reading, I kept wondering on watching the film.

The reading mention about if this would be shown as an education film to the public. I would say yeah, mostly every film or movie is an education film to the public in different ages.

One of the questions in the reading asks, What do these different postings and this situation tells us about (trans) gender, Web 2.0, and activism? I would say that transgender is being disscrimated. I am taking a Human Sexuality class and in the reading I read about people who are transgender and homosexual. The reading mention about hate crimes towards an individual who is transgender and homosexual. It's sad to read some of their stories when they realize that they are different and that they dealt with this issue through high school and college.

I am curious about this film, watching it. It's hard to picture what the issues are in this reading. They are so many different opinions on this film and it's diffcult to view this issue. I am a vision learner and reading this blog there's political, painful, and ironic on the film. For me, it's difficult to make a point on this issue, becaue in my mind I kept thinking it's a film and I want to watch this film.

I have a story to share, I am a Navajo and we have a story that media has related it to transgender or homosexual people.
In the beginning of time when Navajos were emirgating through the Four Worlds, Men and Women seprated for awhile, because of an disagreement. Women went to the west and Men went to the east. Women already knew what to do like cooking, hunting, gathering, building shelter, nuturing the young. For Men that went to the east, they didn't know what to do, they knew how to hunt and gather. Men almost went extinct, but out of a hundred men only one knew how to cook, hunt, gather, build a shelter. Without this one man, the men would have gone extinct.
Men realize that they can not live without Women, so they joined up with the Women and made an agreement to never separate again. The man that had save all the Men, he was looked as a High Individual. He was consisted both man and woman, so he was never looked down among any individual.


  1. I love the story at the end of your message. Men are no better than women, and vice versa. WE really need to work with each other instead of setting a hierarchy between genders.
    I am confused about the reading, too. Therefore, I think it will be better if we actually watched the film and then write a reflection paper on that.

  2. I would agree that transgendered people are discriminated against and have to endure hate crimes as do homosexuals who are not transgendered. The creation story you told was very interesting and relevant...good of you to include it in your post.
